Love me do is the biggest wedding show in Finland!


Love me do is the first of the new wave of B2C wedding fairs in Finland, for wedding couples and for all those who love. An exhibition concept never been seen before here, the event is memorable and compelling. Visitors are engaged and entertained, and they will spend time with us, and not just give the exhibitors a once-through glimpse. The reason is simple; Love me do says a steep NO to everything boring, our visitors won't walk around aimlessly brochures in hand. After the experience of our LMD events, it can be said that the atmosphere in Love me do is unique, genuine, warm and at it's peak throughout the day.

At the Kaapelitehdas (Old cable factory) venue, we have 150-200  exhibitors and services represented in each show. Annual 8-10K visitors, wedding planning couples and their entourage, visit Love me do yearly during our two shows. Love me do has also been shortlisted as a finalist in a Finnish competition for event professionals Evento Awards.

photo: Amanda Lehtola
photo: Amanda Lehtola

Love me do showcases the latest wedding fashion from around the world!

In each show we're filling the catwalk with the latest wedding fashion as we're showing the latest collections from some of the greatest global wedding dress labels. We're also concentrating on Finnish wedding fashion, by showcasing those dresses in separate catwalk shows. So rest assured, wedding fashion doesn't get better than this!

Join us!

The upcoming wedding show of the season, next up;  
Autumn Fair 5.10.2024 & Winter Fair 18.-19.1.2025 
Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki.

If you're interested in becoming a member of the Love me do Family, kindly contact us via
the form below.

Get to know us more: visit our instagram

Ohh the fun we're gonna have
Love me do Crew

Suomen suurimmilla hää- ja juhlamessuilla riittää nähtävää, koettavaa ja hääinspiraatiota jokaiseen makuun. Messut ovat auki lauantaina 5.10. klo 10-18. Tule mukaan häähumuun, ja juhlimaan 10-vuotiaan Love me do:n synttäreitä!

Voit lukea vinkkimme täysipainoiseen häämessukokemukseen täältä.

Tervetuloa juhlimaan 10-vuotiasta Love me do -häätapahtumaa Suomen suurimmille hää- ja juhlamessuille! Helsingin Kaapelitehtaalla on luvassa mahtava kattaus hää- ja juhla-alan yrityksiä ja edustuksia sekä huikeaa häähuumaa Love me do:n tyyliin.

Lippuja voi ostaa ennakkoon Liveton lippukaupasta, tai sivuston painikkeen kautta. Lippuja myydään myös...

Nauti häämessuista kaikilla aisteilla ja ota haltuun muutama messuvinkki mahdollisimman hyvän häämessukokemuksen saavuttamiseksi!